Friday, August 28, 2009

Executive decision to procure girl guppies

At some point next week, I'm going to pick up some girl guppies. The clear frustration of the two boys in the tank is making me feel guilty. I can handle the babies. Perhaps the husband won't notice. He has a dislike for the guppy swarm.

In other aquarium guilt news, numerous snails, large and small, have appeared in the tank. I can handle the big ones; they're pretty cute and have cool shells. The little ones, though, just look like vermin. I know I shouldn't make such judgments solely based on size, but I'm considering sucking out as many of the little buggers as I can during the next water change.

I haven't had too many beers this week.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New fish! Albino bushy-nose pleco

May he adjust to his new surroundings quickly and live long. A fellow bushy-nose pleco (brown) appears behind him. Feasting has commenced!

Monday, June 22, 2009

WWWWDD? (What Would the White-Winged Dove Do?)

What would the white-winged dove do? Let's start with a list of things he probably wouldn't do:

(1) Watch interleague baseball games.
(2) List the same pair of sneakers three times on eBay.
(3) Design a custom bathroom with jack-and-jill sinks (lame!).
(4) Drink too many sake bombers on a Sunday night and feel wobbly all day Monday.
(5) Make homemade macaroni and cheese with Gruyere.

Things he would do:

(1) Eat lots of birdseed.
(2) Shit everywhere.
(3) Come very close to sitting on a sharp potted cactus.
(4) Make a cute birdie noise.
(5) Fly into the sliding glass door.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Follow the adventures of The Guppies and I on Twitter

A very warm welcome to all my fans! As of today, June 15, 2009, I have a total of two Twitter followers. Two lovely ladies, Steffi88351 and domeanyti59386, apparently are interested in what I'm up to. They started following me even before I'd made a post! Now, there are a couple of clairvoyants!

Imagine—Once I'm a household name, you can say to people at brewpubs, "I totally followed The Guppies and I on Twitter when there were like, two followers." People will gather 'round to hear the tale, and free drinks will follow.

A more grim statistic is that no one is yet following this blog. Howevah, my follower-gathering offensive will begin shortly. Right after I invade yesterday's hummus delight, followed by an Internet search for retired Etnies styles at a heavy discount.


Julie & The Guppies

Monday, June 8, 2009

In the company of guppies

I share my home with two guppies, among other creatures. Three teeny guppy babies survived the move. I thought they were female. The Three Girls. I very much liked the idea of three female guppies, a magical trio doing magical things in the aquarium and bringing good fortune to the household. Tragically, not long after I started making a list of things I could share with the guppies—The Queen (the movie), Sex and the City, good conversation—one of them died suddenly. I found her at the bottom of the tank, lifeless. She had the cloudy eye, the sad sign that a fish isn't just sleeping. She had moved on to another realm.

Unfortunately, my guppy sexing skills are less than stellar; it seems that the Two Girls are actually male. So The Three Girls are now The Two Boys. They've been chasing each other around the tank with great enthusiasm, which makes me think they might be gay. I can't be sure, though. But they sure are pretty.

I call this photo Guppies in Sleet.